Academic resilience
7 Topics | 29 Quizzes

Module at a glance


In this module, you’ll learn to identify the form of mentorship that best helps meet your needs and goals. As you work through the module, we have intentionally included several activities to help guide your self-reflection as you engage in mentorship. Please note that although the material in this module may be presented in a linear manner, mentorship is an ongoing, reflective, and cyclical process.


Learning outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • 1Define effective mentorship, and explore different mentorship models that best meet your needs.
  • 2Use evidence-based strategies to initiate, develop and sustain equitable, ethical, and sustainable mentoring relationships.
  • 3Develop strategies that can be used to address changing roles and their effects on mentoring relationships (e.g., transitions).
  • 4Evaluate your readiness to be mentored and to become a mentor.
  • 5Identify how mentorship supports the intersections of academic/disciplinary, and personal/socio-cultural identity development.

Feeling safe as you work through the module/course

This module/course touches some challenging topics and it’s important that you find the balance between challenging yourself (appropriate discomfort) and feeling safe and confident. That might mean that you pause or advocate for what you need during the course. If something is wrong, please let us know:

We can only make changes if we hear about issues and suggestions.

We are learning too! We bring diverse expertise and we are always learning.

learning activity icon Learning activity: Goal-setting

Instruction: Reinforce a skill from the introductory section (SMART goal setting); focus on specific skills.

workbook icon

As you think about your own current abilities and needs with respect to mentorship, go to your Workbook (if you have not downloaded your Workbook, do it now) to set one or several SMART for this module, and then click on the checkbox.