Academic resilience
7 Topics | 29 Quizzes

Learning activity: Proactive project management worksheet

The final activity for Part 1 is to fill out the Proactive project management worksheet. Recall that the goal of project management is to focus on proactive project management, not reactive project management. To do become proactive, we ask you to answer critical questions about a project that will increase the chances of its success. Keep these questions and their answers in mind throughout the entire duration of your project, not only during the planning phase.

For this activity, picture an ongoing project you have right now or plan to work on in the very near future (it can be any project!) and address the questions in the worksheet.

workbook icon


If you have not downloaded the Workbook, Please download it now. We will regularly ask you to do activities in the Workbook, especially those that are private or that could serve you in the future.

If you already downloaded, please keep using the Workbook that you started in the Introduction section. If necessary, you can download a new Workbook.

Feel free to keep a blank copy of the document to use for your other projects in the future.

If you’re having trouble getting started on this activity, you can find some tips for the worksheet in the appendix section of the module.