Academic resilience
7 Topics | 29 Quizzes

Module at a glance

Welcome to the project management module!

Project Management is an online interactive module about management and organizing projects to ensure project success. These projects include what people traditionally consider “projects” such as work, school, and research. As you progress through the module, you will learn that projects are not limited to these three domains.

A comic strip humorously showing the importance of communication

This module teaches important skills and techniques that can be applied to any type of project. In addition, many of these skills and techniques are transferable and applicable across domains and can benefit you beyond your post-secondary education.

In the module, you will practice important project management skills as well as apply them to your personal life and current projects through a series of lessons, interactive activities, and reflections. By the end of this module, you will have a better understanding of project management and have the skills and tools necessary to ensure a project’s success.

The module contains six sections with concepts that scaffold throughout its progression.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • 1Apply commonly used approaches and tools for managing projects.
  • 2 Construct detailed plans towards a successful project.
  • 3 Demonstrate skills that will improve your employability and success in a workplace and life.

Module structure


Understanding project management


Project planning


Preparation and risk management


Project scheduling


The project diary


Closing out a project

The skills and tools that you learn from this module are not just applicable to graduate school, but also every aspect of your life. Planning personal vacations, home repairs, and so forth can all incorporate aspects of project management.

This module contains a detailed overview of project management principles and may complement some skills you already employ to manage your projects!